Terms & Conditions
Users of the Concinnity Subscription Service

These terms apply to organisations and users of the Concinnity software, provided as a subscription service. 

Version 1.0 – Last updated 10 April 2024

Terms of Use

These terms govern the use of the “Concinnity” software, provided as a subscription Service by Concinnity Consulting Pty Ltd the Trustee for Concinnity Family Trust ACN 658 611 249 trading as Concinnity Consulting Pty Ltd (ABN 93 505 526 880). Concinnity Consulting Pty Ltd is referred to throughout this document as “Concinnity”.

These terms apply to subscribers for the Service (“you,” “your”). Subscribing for or using the Service indicates an acceptance of these terms and forms an Agreement between you and Concinnity Consulting Pty Ltd (“Agreement”). If you do not accept these terms, you must not subscribe for or use the Service.


We provide the “Concinnity” software as a subscription Service.

You wish to subscribe for the Service.

You either:

(a)           have agreed with us that these terms govern your subscription for and use of the Service, by signing a paper copy; or

(b)           agree with us that these terms govern your subscription for and use of the Service immediately upon the first instance of you: receiving any Service from us; accessing the Concinnity Consulting learning Platform; or, accessing any page, or other resource through the Website.

Operative Terms

1       Interpretation

In this document:

Associate” when used in relation to a Party means any one or combination of the following who has an enforceable obligation of confidence to the relevant Party:

(a)           An employee;

(b)           A contractor;

(c)           A director;

(d)           A shareholder;

(e)           A principal or partner;

(f)           A financial, accounting, legal, or insurance advisor.

Authorised User” means an individual user authorised to access the Service by a subscribing organisation.

Business Day” means a day on which banks are open for business in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Confidential Information” means all information in any form, including verbal, written or electronically stored information, belonging or relating to a Party, and includes without limitation:

(a)           any kind of technical, financial or business information

(b)           details of employees, suppliers, or customers;

(c)           material developed by either Party under this Agreement;

(d)           Intellectual Property, concepts, know-how and trade secrets;

(e)           features of the Website and Service, which are not determinable or viewable without logging in.

but excludes information in the public domain (other than by default under this Agreement or information independently known to the other Party.

Content” means any media capable of being streamed, text, data, documents, code, content, software, or other files on the Website, including user-generated content and content uploaded from any third party, but excluding any part of the Website whatsoever, the Service, or related templates, media, modules, or data.

Durability,” in relation to digital data, means data that is not permanently lost or corrupted.

Fee” means the fee we charge you in relation to the provision of the Service under this Agreement.

Force Majeure Events” means any natural disaster, fire, flood, war, riot, terrorism, vandalism, government sanction, industrial action, pandemic or event caused by, or relating to the threat of communicable disease, or other significant event outside the reasonable control of a party.

Initial Term” means the period from the time that you register for a trial period, until one calendar month (or such longer period agreed by us) after the expiry of the trial period.

Intellectual Property” means all industrial and intellectual property rights including, without limitation, trademarks, patents, copyrights, circuit layout rights, right to extract information from databases, design rights, trade secrets, and all forms of protection of a similar nature or having similar effect to any of them which may subsist anywhere in the world (whether or not any of them are registered and including applications and the right to make applications for registration of any of them) other than moral rights. Furthermore, the intellectual property can be inclusive of the following:

(a)           Background IP: the Intellectual Property of a Party which was in existence prior to the commencement of this agreement, or which is subsequently developed by that Party independently of and for purposes unconnected with this agreement.

(b)           Contract IP: Intellectual Property created by Concinnity, or Tribal Habits, in the course of performing its obligations under this agreement.

Monthly User” means an Authorised User who is enrolled into the system for an agreed number of months, regardless of logins or progress. All Authorised Users, regardless of access level, are counted for this purpose.

Other Policies” means any one or combination of the policies that we publish from time to time at www.conconnity.au and in compliance with software provides policies available at https://tribalhabits.com/policies or https://security.tribalhabits.com as the case requires, if any.

Party” means a party to this Agreement, being either you or us.

Renewal Term” means the lesser of:

(a)           A term of equal duration to the Initial Term; or

(b)           12 months.

Service” means the provision of access to our software known as “Concinnity,” made available to you as a subscription service. The functionality of the Service will depend on the Service plan selected by you. For example, some Service plans may involve higher Fees and a greater level of functionality. The various Service plans and functionalities are set out on our Website.

Service Addendum” means a set of terms and conditions that we publish from time to time, that you must accept in order to access, or use particular functionality on the Website as determined by us from time to time; and which are in addition to these terms.

Term” means the period comprising the Initial Term and each Renewal Term, unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement.

TH Content” means any Content provided by us for consumption as training materials including images, text, sounds, videos, animations, other Content, or other files on the Website, including Content uploaded from any third-party Content provider as the case requires, but excluding your data, or any part of the codebase of the Website, or related templates, media, or modules.

Website” means the Concinnity learning portal available through the domain https://tribalhabits.com or any subdomain.

2       Access to the software as a Service

2.1       In return for payment of the Fee, we will provide your users with access to the “Concinnity” software as a service on a subscription basis.

2.2       We may update these terms by providing the updated version to you or by publishing the updated version on our Website. The updated terms become applicable to you when you extend or renew your subscription, unless:

(a)           you or any of your personnel with administrative account access accept the updated terms by clicking a button, checking a checkbox or by another method indicating that you agree to the updated terms that we publish from time to time, in which case the updated terms apply to the Service and your use of it immediately from that time; or

(b)          you request access to one or more new Services which are introduced at or about the same time as the relevant updated terms, in which case the Service immediately becomes subject to the updated terms.

2.3       The Service, and any amendments, modifications, enhancements or changes to the Service, made available by us to you are subject to these terms as updated by us from time to time.

2.4       If you are:

(a)           an individual, you must be at least 18 years old to subscribe for the Service, and we are entitled to assume you are at least 18 years old;

(b)          a company or other organisation, we are entitled to assume entry into this Agreement for and on your behalf is properly authorised by you.

2.5       We may associate a Fee with any particular functionality in your Service plan. You are not entitled to access functionality for which you have not paid (or agreed to pay) the applicable Fee. All such functionality and associated fees will be described in your Service Plan. To the extent that we agree to vary the functionality available to you in your Service plan, we may vary the Fee payable accordingly. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, we may charge additional fees for providing additional functionality to you.

2.6       We may supplement these terms from time to time, by publishing a Service Addendum to govern your use of particular functionality on the Website. Upon the earliest of the following, you will be bound to the additional terms contained in a Service Addendum (and which are incorporated by reference from that time):

(a)           you request the relevant functionality from us in writing;

(b)          you indicate your acceptance of the Service Addendum within your account, for example by checking a checkbox that contains a link, which allows you to view the relevant Service Addendum; or

(c)           you receive or access any functionality that is governed by a Service Addendum.

2.7       We may impose limitations on particular functionality of the Service or provide warnings or disclaimers to you in relation to any TH Content, by publishing a notice to you about any particular matter. You acknowledge that if you continue to use or access the relevant functionality, or TH Content, that such use is subject to the relevant limitation, warning, or disclaimer as the case may be; and you must determine the suitability of the functionality or TH Content for your purposes. 

2.8        The Services are subject to the following limitations:

(a) The Website is hosted by a third-party service provider, and we do not guarantee that your access to it will be continuous or error free.

(b) Each payment processor that we use is a third party and we do not guarantee that the payment processing service will be persistently available, continuous or error-free.

(c) The Service includes functions provided by third parties and licensed to us, and we cannot guarantee that such functions, or software, will continue to be available in the future. Examples of such functions include without limitation uploading and playback of SCORM and other external learning modules via a SCORM Cloud Integration, creation, sharing and access to your content within your Concinnity subdomain via SCORM Link (Cross Domain) integration, embedding external links via our Embed block and iFramely integrations, and others. Such software may be substituted for alternatives with equivalent or similar functionality, but Concinnity makes no warranties or representations about the availability or suitability of alternative software that may be used within the Website in the future.

(d) We are not responsible for any defects, delays or interruptions to the Service caused by the delays, action or inaction of any third parties and without limitation such as hardware suppliers or installers, internet service providers, telecommunications companies or service providers or Force Majeure Events.

2.9       We use industry-standard security protocols and methods to secure the Website and the Service. If you would like further information, please send an email to the email address listed on the Contact Us page.

3       Rights to use the Service

3.1       We will provide the Service for you to use for your own internal business purposes. You must not resell, resupply, lease, license, sub-license, or otherwise permit third parties (other than Authorised Users approved by Concinnity) to use the Service.

3.2       You must provide your full legal name, a valid email address, and any other information required by us in order to complete the initial subscription process. Your full name or organisation name will be used in the provision of the Service, for example, in documents and materials generated by the Service for use by you.

3.3       You must ensure each Authorised User complies with these terms as if they were you. You acknowledge that you are responsible for all use of the Service by you and your Authorised Users. We are entitled to assume that the use of the Service through your account or your Authorised Users accounts is used by you or your Authorised Users respectively. You indemnify us and our related companies, officers and employees and keep them indemnified from and against any claim, demand, suit or liability arising from any use of the Service through your account or any of your Authorised User accounts.

3.4       You must manage the currency and security of each Authorised User account. For example, you must ensure (using the user administration facilities provided by the Service) that accounts issued to Authorised Users which are no longer required are deleted, so that those Authorised Users do not have ongoing access to the Service. In any event, you are liable for all costs which arise in relation to your account relating to each Authorised User.

3.5       You must not upload or publish any Content that is unlawful, threatening, libellous, defamatory, pornographic, misleading, persecutory or prejudicial (and whether bias-motivated or otherwise), obscene, in breach of any advertising standards, in breach of any person’s privacy or other human rights, or unsuitable for general consumption. You further agree that we may remove any material that we reasonably deem to be unsuitable, which includes Content that we deem to be inappropriate, offensive or that may affect our reputation, goodwill, or brand.  We may also suspend your account in accordance with this Agreement until you remove such Content and agree not to republish, any similar Content. Nothing in this clause is to be read as limiting any of our rights under this Agreement, or to imply that we have any obligation to monitor, review, or screen any Content.

3.6       Your access to the Website is conditional on your continued compliance with the provisions of this Agreement.

4       Intellectual property

4.1       As between you and us:

(a)                  we own, or are licensed to use, all copyright and other intellectual property rights in and related to the Service and the software that underlies it; and

(b)                  we own, or are licensed to use, all copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Content; and

(c)                  you own all copyright and intellectual property rights in and related to any Content uploaded by you using the Service.

4.2       No part of the Service, the Contract IP Content, or our Website may be stored, used, reproduced, or transmitted by you, other than in the normal use of the Service, without our prior written consent. For the Term, we grant to you a revocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to access the Website and any functionality included in your Service plan.

4.3       You must ensure, and you irrevocably warrant to us that you are entitled to use any Content or information that is provided to Concinnity (Background IP) or use in relation to the Service. You grant us an irrevocable, royalty-free licence to store, use, transmit and publish any such material, data or information for the purpose of providing the Service to you and each of your Authorised Users.

4.4       Any rights not expressly conferred in these terms are reserved by us.

4.5       For clarity:

(a)                    the licence granted to you by us under clause 4.2 in relation to the Contract IP Content includes the right to edit, amend, supplement, and refer to a copyrighted work included in the Contract IP Content for use solely by your Authorised Users, on the strict condition that such use does not limit, curtail, waive, or derogate from, our rights in relation to the relevant copyright work; and

(b)                    we agree that any new copyright works created by Concinnity are owned by you (but in no event will such works include or comprise the Contract IP Content or any part of it), and all such Content is licenced to us under clause 4.3; and

(c)                    nothing in this clause 4 permits you to use any of the Contract IP Content in any way other than as provided to you through the Website under this Agreement.

5       Service availability and data Durability

5.1       Our aim is for the Service to be available for use by you 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. However, the Service and Service availability may be affected by factors outside our control including the unavailability of third-party systems and infrastructure, or for urgent maintenance activity by us. You acknowledge that the availability aim in this clause is not an assurance, representation or warranty, except as expressly provided in clause 5.5.

5.2       Although we will endeavour to address issues and problems reported to us as quickly as possible, we do not have any liability for any temporary unavailability of the Service, or for any other circumstance or event outside our control. If for any reason the Service will be unavailable for a longer period than we would normally expect, we will endeavour to publish outage details and anticipated duration on our Website.

5.3       We use industry-standard approaches to the Durability of data uploaded and stored by you using the Service. However, you must keep backup copies of any data uploaded or used in relation to the Service. We do not guarantee the Durability of any data uploaded by you, and you acknowledge that your uploaded data may be permanently lost or corrupted for various reasons including without limitation infrastructure failure or human error. We do not have any liability to you for any corruption or loss of data.

5.4       If the Service expires or is terminated for any reason, or if you downgrade your Service plan or functionality, then on or before the effective date of expiry, termination or downgrade, as the case may be, you must ensure you retrieve any data or information uploaded by you in relation to the Service. We do not guarantee that we will store your data for more than 35 days after the expiry or termination of the Service or downgrade of your Service plan, and any data stored by us in relation to the Service or your account on our systems may be deleted immediately by us after that time. During the term, you may request that we store your data for a longer period, but we reserve the right to charge a fee for and apply additional terms to providing such additional Services.

5.5       Subject to the other terms of this Agreement, if the Website is unavailable, or users cannot log in and access Content for more than 72 hours, then upon application from you within 7 days of the Service unavailability, we will credit you with an equivalent amount of time (being the time the Service was unavailable) for each of the Authorised Users related to your Organisation to access and use the Service. This may be delivered by us as an extension of the term of this Agreement or as additional time that each Authorised User may consume at our discretion.

6       Technical Support

6.1       We will provide you with technical support in relation to the Service through our licensor, Tribal Habits. Tribal Habits provides technical support through the Admin Support Chat feature (available by clicking the circular orange chat icon in the lower right of the screen) only. For clarity support, our support is only available via phone or email. We will only provide support for issues reported by you that we can reproduce. You must investigate and attempt to diagnose problems before contacting us for support. When requesting support, you must provide full and accurate details of the support issue and provide all further information and take all diagnostic steps that we request. We will endeavour to prioritise urgent issues; however, we do not represent that any particular issue will be addressed in a particular timeframe. You acknowledge that the provision of support by us does not imply that all issues will be diagnosed or corrected, either within any particular timeframe or at all. This clause 6.1 is subject to clause 6.2.

6.2       If you access the Service through a sub-domain (such as http://businessname-concinnity.tribalhabits.com) then you must contact that us in relation to technical support.

7       Policy obligations

7.1       Your use of the Service is subject to our Acceptable Use Policy, and our Other Policies. Each reference to “Policies” in clause 7 is a separate and additional reference to our Acceptable Use Policy, and each of our Other Policies as published by us from time to time, or any of them as the case requires.

7.2       Our Acceptable Use Policy does not create any enforceable contractual rights that you may enforce against us.

7.3       None of our Other Policies create any enforceable contractual rights that you may enforce against us.

7.4       You must not, and must ensure your Authorised Users do not use or upload any data or information in breach of any of our Policies, and:

(a)                we may at our discretion edit or remove data or information, issue a warning, or suspend or terminate the Service immediately, in response to any breach of this Agreement, or any of our Policies. 

(b)                we may refer to a relevant law-enforcement authority any data or information, or your use of our Service, which in our view may breach Australian criminal law.

7.5       We may update any of our Policies from time to time. Updates are effective on and from publication of the updated Policies on our Website.

8       Acceptable Use Policy

8.1       You must comply with the following (“Acceptable Use Policy”), and you must ensure all of your Authorised Users comply with it, in relation to the Service:

(a)                you must not upload or use Content that breaches your obligations under clause 3.5 or which may expose us to liability for breach of criminal or civil law or any regulatory obligation;

(b)                you must not infringe anyone’s intellectual property rights, moral rights, or information privacy rights in the course of using the Service. This means you must ensure you have the right to use any material or Content you upload or use in relation to the Service;

(c)                you must not use the Service for the purpose of commercial advertising or promotion, including the publication of unsolicited commercial messages (“spam”);

(d)                you have discretion as to what data you submit and use for the Service, what topics you develop, and what information you and your Authorised Users provide and exchange. You acknowledge that we have no responsibility for the content of the topics developed or used by you and your Authorised Users;

(e)                you must take reasonable steps to ensure you do not, even accidentally, upload or use malicious software or data such as viruses, worms, trojans, vulnerability scanners, or phishing attempts in relation to the Service, and you must take reasonable steps to ensure no such malicious software exists on the equipment you use in relation to the Service;

(f)                 you must not share your user ID or password with any other person. You must keep your password secure and advise us immediately if your password is compromised. Multiple individual Authorised Users must have individual identifiers and passwords – for clarity, identifiers and passwords must not be shared.

8.2       Despite any other provision of this Agreement, we may update the Acceptable Use Policy by publishing amended wording on our Other Policies page (instead of updating the wording of this Agreement), and the amended wording will supersede paragraph 8.1, from the time we publish the amended wording on our Website.

9       Registration

9.1       The term starts on the agreed start date. We do not offer a trial period.

10     Payment of Fees

10.1    You must pay us a deposit of 50% of the agreed Fee (unless otherwise negotiated and agreed as outlined in the quotation prior to the commencement of any works as outlined in the agreement. You must pay the remaining Fee at the completion of the set-up, and prior to any authorised User registration. This includes without limitation amounts relating to additional Services, Monthly Users, or other arrangements as agreed.

10.2    The Fee is non-refundable, and no refunds or credits will be given for any partial use within the Initial Term Renewal Term.

10.3    We may vary the Fee from time to time by notifying you or by publishing our updated fee schedule on our Website. Updated Fees are payable on and from the earliest of the following:

(a)           our next invoice to you after the update;

(b)           the expiry and renewal of this Agreement.

10.4    You must provide payment by direct debit into our nominated bank account within 7 days of issuance of the invoice.

10.5    You must pay us for any costs that we incur for failed payments, including without limitation any: fees we incur relating to chargebacks initiated by your payment card issuer; fees we incur relating to declined credit card payments (or other payment methods); fees we incur relating to failed payment processing. This clause survives termination of this Agreement.

10.6    In addition to any other rights we have, we may:

(a)                charge interest on overdue invoices, at the rate of 18% per year, calculated and accrued monthly; and

(b)                charge any expenses and costs (including legal and collection costs) incurred by us in obtaining payment of our invoices; and

(c)                offset any amounts that we owe to you at any time, if any, against amounts outstanding under any invoice;

(d)                set off any amounts that you owe to us at the relevant time, against any funds that we hold (including amounts that we are required to refund or remit to you) and owe to you; and

(e)                use any means at our disposal to suspend the Service, which includes without limitation: locking Authorised User accounts, preventing access to any sub-domain associated with you or this Agreement, or locking any functionality of the Website or any sub-domain.

11     Information privacy compliance and confidentiality

11.1    We will comply with our obligations under the Australian information privacy laws, if any, in relation to any personal information of yours that we collect in the course of providing the Service. We will also comply with our privacy policy (as available on our Website from time to time) in respect of such information. By accepting these terms, you acknowledge that information that we hold about you and your Authorised User is subject to the provisions of our privacy policy.

11.2    You must comply with Australian information privacy law in relation to any personal information you upload or use in the course of using the Service.

11.3    You must promptly report to us any allegation, claim or complaint from another person relating to information privacy which involves us or the Service.

11.4    A Party (the “Discloser”) may disclose Confidential Information to the other Party (the “Recipient”). Reference to Recipient in this Agreement includes all Associates to whom Recipient discloses any Confidential Information. Subject to clause 11.5 the Recipient must, and must ensure that its Associates:

(a)           keep the Confidential Information confidential; and

(b)           not use or permit any unauthorised use of all Confidential Information.

11.5 The Recipient is not liable for breach of clause 11.4 where:

(a)           the relevant Party has the prior written consent of the disclosing Party;

(b)           the disclosure is required by law;

(c)           the disclosure is required in order to comply with this Agreement, provided that the Party disclosing the Confidential Information ensures the Recipient complies with the terms of this clause 11,

11.6    Each Party acknowledges and agrees that monetary damages may not be an adequate remedy for a breach of this clause 11. A Party is entitled to seek an injunction, or any other remedy available at law or in equity, at its discretion, to protect itself from a breach, potential breach, (or continuing breach) of this clause11.

11.7    This clause 11 will survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement.

12     Liability

12.1    While we endeavour to ensure that the information provided on our Website and the information provided in connection with the Service is complete and correct, we do not represent or warrant the correctness or completeness of any such material. We may make changes to the material on our Website or to the Service, or to the products and prices described on our Website, at any time and without prior notice.

12.2    The Service, and all material available using the Service and on our Website (including any Contract IP Content), is provided “as is.” We do not warrant that the Service is error-free or will be available continuously. We provide the Service, and access to our Website and material, on the basis that we exclude all representations and warranties except those expressly stated in these terms.

12.3    You acknowledge that the Service has not been provided or developed to meet your individual requirements. It is your responsibility to ensure the Service meets your requirements and those of your organisation. If you are not satisfied with the Service for any reason, your sole remedy is to cease using and terminate the Service.

12.4    We have no liability to you for any consequential loss, lost revenue or profits, lost data, access or productivity, interference with privacy, business interruption, or any special, indirect or incidental loss, related to the Service or this Agreement, and whether in contract, negligence or otherwise. These exclusions apply even if we knew or should have known that you might suffer loss.

12.5    If any term is implied by law in this Agreement and cannot be excluded, then we limit our liability under that term to the maximum extent permitted by law.

12.6    Without limiting any other term of this Agreement, our total aggregate liability to you in respect of any claims by you against us related to the Service or this Agreement will in no circumstances exceed the actual Fee paid by you and received by us in the 12 months prior to the claims arising.

13     Termination

13.1    We may cease providing the Service to you and terminate this Agreement by giving at least thirty (30) business days’ notice. We will provide at least 15 days of written notice of our reasons for such termination. Once notice is given, you will not be able to renew your Agreement should it become due during the notice period. Despite any other provision of this Agreement if we terminate this Agreement under this clause 13.1, then we will provide a pro-rata refund of any fees paid in advance by you and received by us, and which are not subject to our rights to set-off amounts under this Agreement. 

13.2    We may cease providing the Service to you and terminate this Agreement by giving at least fifteen (15) business days’ notice if you are in breach (other than a trivial breach causing no material harm) of any provision of this Agreement and, where the breach is capable of remedy, you have failed to remedy the breach within 15 Business Days of receipt of written notice from Concinnity describing the breach and calling for it to be remedied. We may immediately terminate this agreement if we notify you of a breach of your obligations, and you do not remedy such breach within 15 days. Further, we may suspend your access to the Website until you remedy the breach notified to you by us.

13.3 We may cease providing the Service to you and terminate this Agreement immediately if:

(a)           you are unable to pay your debts as they fall due;

(b)           you undergo a change of control to a competitor of Concinnity as determined by Concinnity;

(c)           an insolvency event occurs in relation to you;

(d)           you fail to provide Concinnity with clear or timely instructions or information to enable Concinnity to provide the Service;

(e)           there is verbal, physical, written, or other abuse (including threats of abuse or retribution) of any Concinnity customer, employee, member, or officer by you or any of your Authorised Users;

(f)           you permit any person other than you to access your account, or any Services through your account;

(g)           you gain access, or attempt to gain access to any Content or our servers, for which you have no right to access;

(h)           you breach the terms of any licence granted to you by us, and without limitation for distributing any content to third parties;

(i)           you have used any incorrect registration information, and we reasonably determine that you are seeking to commit fraud, identity theft, or are seeking to knowingly mislead any person, including us;

(j)           you (or any of your Associates) breaches clauses 3, 7.4 or 8 of this Agreement; or

(k)           a Force Majeure Event or other factors outside the control of Concinnity prevent us from providing the Service.

13.4    You may terminate this Agreement at the end of the Initial Term, or at the end of any Renewal Term, by providing written notice of intent to the contact details via our website. The Agreement is not terminated until you receive confirmation from us to that effect.

13.5    On termination for any reason, we will cease providing the Service and you must pay:

(a)           any of our then outstanding invoices relating to the Service; and

(b)           the Fee for the Service for the remainder of the unexpired Initial Term or Renewal Term, as the case may be,

and we are not required in any circumstances to refund any amount to you paid in advance for the Service, except if we terminate this Agreement under clause 13.1. For example, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, if you have subscribed for a monthly plan, and you give notice to unsubscribe from the Service, then the Service will expire at the end of the then-current calendar month, and you are liable to pay our Fees until the end of the then-current calendar month.

13.6    Upon termination:

(a)                    you no longer have any rights to receive our Service;

(b)                    any licence granted to you by us under this Agreement immediately ends;

(c)                    we may take any step necessary to prevent you from accessing the Service, or the Website, or any sub-domain;

(d)                    in addition to any other rights we have we may at our discretion permanently delete all of your data, your account, and your Authorised Users’ Accounts, if any.

13.7    For avoidance of doubt, if a termination notice is sent by us under this clause 13 and expiry of the notice period occurs after expiry of the then current term, termination will occur at the date of expiry of this Agreement.

14     Notices

14.1    Communications under or relating to this document must be in writing in English.

14.2    Our details for delivery of notices are given on our Website, as updated by us from time to time. Your details for delivery of notices are the contact details provided by you when you initially subscribed for the Service (or as updated by you through our Website from time to time).

14.3    A notice under or related to this document may be given to a party by:

(a)                    being personally delivered to the party. Such a notice is taken to be received on the day it is delivered;

(b)                    being sent by pre-paid mail to the party’s address for notices. Such a notice is taken to be received three Business Days after it is posted; or

(c)                    being sent by email to the party’s current email address as recorded in your account preferences from time to time. Such a notice is taken to be received on the date indicated on the report produced or log maintained by the sender’s email system.

14.4    If a notice is received in the place of receipt after 5 pm or on a non-business Day, the notice is taken to be received at 9 am on the following Business Day.

14.5    This clause does not affect the validity of methods by which documents relating to litigation may be served under an applicable law or any Court rules.

15     General

15.1    Legal costs. Each party must pay its own legal and other costs and expenses of negotiating, preparing, executing and performing its obligations under this document.

15.2    Amendment. You may not vary, amend, or modify the terms of this Agreement.

15.3    Assignment. You may not assign or transfer any of your rights or obligations under this Agreement without our prior written consent. We may assign or transfer this Agreement to another entity that is in our view capable of providing the Service by giving written notice to you. Any purported dealing in breach of this clause is of no effect.

15.4    Governing Law and Jurisdiction. This document is governed by the law of Queensland, Australia. Each party submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland, Australia, and the courts of appeal from those courts.

15.5    Digital document. This Agreement may consist only of a digital document made available to you during the subscription process, and evidence of your acceptance of the terms in that document. You waive any right to require a tangible form of this Agreement.

15.6    Entire understanding. This document contains the entire understanding between the parties as to its subject matter. Any prior negotiations, representations or documents concerning the subject matter of this document are superseded by this document and are of no effect.

15.7    Relationship of parties. The parties are independent contractors. This document does not create a relationship of employment, trust, agency or partnership between the parties. Each party is responsible for its own obligations arising under this document and is not liable for any other party’s obligations.

15.8    Marketing. Concinnity may conduct marketing of the Website, Service, or other related activities from time to time. You agree to participate in reasonable marketing activities that promote the benefits of the Services, as requested by Concinnity from time to time. In addition to the rights that you grant to us under clause 4.3, you grant us a royalty-free licence to publish your logo, trademark, and business name on the Website so that we may represent that we are supplying, or have supplied the Service to you.

15.9    Insurance. Each Party is responsible for obtaining and maintaining its own prudent insurance policies. Each Party has the right to require the other party to provide certificates of insurance to prove currency and scope of cover, once per annum.